Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Khazad Spells

Cleric Spells: 

0 Level:

1. Detect Magic or Spark
2. Read Magic or Create Water
3. Stabilize

1st Level:

1. Bless Water or Comprehend Languages
2. Shield of Faith or Summon Monster I
3. (Domain - Healing or Magic) Cure Light Wounds or Identify

Standard Daily Spells in Town/Camp:

0 Level:

1. Read Magic
2. Detect Magic
3. Stabilize (Town) or Create Water (Camp)

1st Level:

1. Bless Water
2. Comprehend Languages
3. (Domain) Identify

Standard Daily Spells in Dungeon or on Road:

0 Level:

1. Create Water
2. Spark
3. Stabilize 

1st Level:

1. Shield of Faith
2. Summon Monster I 
3. (Domain) Cure Light Wounds

(Alternates - I may choose Bless Water in place of Shield of Faith if I feel holy water supplies are low or could be useful on a particular day, i.e. when facing undead in a crypt etc)


Aura - Powerful Aura exhibited by the cleric that matches Deity's Alignment. 

Channel Energy - Energy harnessed to heal living or hurt the undead. 1d6 + 1d6/2 lvls beyond 1st in 30 foot area. Save DC is 10 + 1/2 Clerics lvl + Chr Modifier. 

Domains - Healing and Magic

Healing - Rebuke Death (Unconscious players are healed for 1d4+1/2 lvls.) Useful 3/day + Wis Mod.

Magic - Hand of the Acolyte (Melee attack at 30 foot range by throwing and returning weapon to owner) (Add Wis to attack roll instead of Dex) (Useful 3/day + Wis Mod)

Spontaneous Casting - Convert a prepared spell of 1st or higher that is not a domain spell into the equivalent heal spell. 

Khazad Stats

Dwarf Cleric of Torag (1st Level)
HP: (1d8+Con)

Str - 14 (+2)
Dex - 12 (+1)
Con - 15 (+2)
Int - 10
Wis - 19 (+4)
Chr - 11

Base Attack Bonus - 0
Fort Save - 2
Reflex Save - 0
Willpower Save - 2


Dark vision - 60 feet.
Base Speed - 20 feet. (never encumbered)
Defensive Training - +4 AC dodge against Giants.
Hatred - +1 vs Goblins or Orcs
Stability - +4 vs Bull Rush
Stone cutting - +2 to perception of Stonework
Greed - +2 on Appraise Checks (precious metals and stones only)




Finely Wrought Mail Armor (+5 to AC with Max +3 Dex)
Light Steel Shield (+1 to AC)

AC = 10 + Armor + Shield + Dex + Other

AC (Flatfooted, No Shield) - 15
AC (w/ Shield) - 16
AC (w/Shield and Dex) - 17


Heavy Mace 
Heavy Crossbow (No bolts)

Dmg (Mace) - 1d8 (x2 Crit)
Dmg (Crossbow) - 1d10 (x2 on 19-20) - 120 feet.
Dmg (Sling) - 1d4 (x2) - 50 feet.


Holy Symbol of Torag
Pouch (Filled with common pebbles)
Water Skin
1 Week Iron Rations
10 Oil Flasks
2 Caltrops
3 Vials of Holy Water
40 Feet Hempen Rope
1 Grappling Hook